
The White Review Poet’s Prize 2017 Shortlist

We are delighted to announce the shortlist for The White Review Poet’s Prize 2017.


Supported by Jerwood Charitable Foundation, the Poet’s Prize is designed for English-language poets working towards their debut pamphlet or collection. The winner receives £1,700 and will be published in print in The White Review. The judges are Vahni Capildeo, Kayo Chingonyi and Donald Futers. Below is a single poem, or extract from a longer poem, from each shortlisted portfolio.


The winner will be announced at Burley Fisher Books on Thursday 7 December. The event starts at 7 p.m, and is free to attend. Space is limited so please RSVP to Latecomers should convene at the Haggerston Arms.



The White Review Poet’s Prize 2017 Shortlist


Genevieve Carver


Helen Charman


Seraphima Kennedy


Lucy Mercer


Harriet Moore


Jake Orbison


Jake Reynolds


Lavinia Singer



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