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Sophie Mackintosh
Sophie Mackintosh's fiction has appeared in Granta and The Stinging Fly, among others. She was the winner of the 2016 White Review Short Story Prize and the Virago X Stylist short story prize. Her debut novel, The Water Cure, is published by Hamish Hamilton in the UK and forthcoming from Doubleday in the US.

Articles Available Online

Lena Andersson's ‘Acts of Infidelity’

Book Review

July 2018

Sophie Mackintosh

Book Review

July 2018

Acts of Infidelity is the second novel by Lena Andersson that follows unlucky-in-love heroine Ester Nilsson, and it’s another scalpel-sharp look at a doomed...


May 2018


Sophie Mackintosh


May 2018

I had been sent back from the city in disgrace, back to my parents’ house in the country. It...

The last time I saw Vin and Jackie we were killing slugs The three of us had been smoking outside and then Vin had gone home early, leaving his wife and me alone in the porch light Across the paving stones I could make out a long, sleek line inching out of the glare   ‘Come and look at this,’ I said to her ‘They say you should put salt on them’   ‘Why? What happens?’   ‘I don’t know’ I’d never put salt on a slug before ‘It kills them,’ I said   She stood right next to me and our coats brushed together, making a whispering noise that we both pretended to ignore   ‘I could fetch some,’ I said ‘I could fetch some and see,’ and then disappeared inside   ‘This’ll do,’ I said, returning with a large vat of table salt, unsure, thinking really I should be using something else But I said it would do anyway, because it never does to look hesitant Uncertain of your next move I opened the spout on the packet and poured a stream the length of the slug It squirmed a little, lifting its head and tail into a kind of crescent moon and as we looked on it gradually dissolved before our eyes Dissolved into nothing but a patch of wet salt on the paving slabs, foaming at the edges   ‘That’s done it,’ she said, lighting another cigarette We did the same to a couple of others Then we went inside   There wasn’t anywhere to park when I arrived at theirs Cars end to end and up on the pavement Many of them bearing scars from running too close to the wall or where the thick, overhanging brush plants had scratched their paintwork I reversed as far as I could back down the road and then got stuck Vin leaned out of the window of their house and called at me to wait I turned off the engine and got out to meet him He had a can of beer in his hand and it slopped against my jacket as we hugged each other Then we both got back into the


April 2016

Sophie Mackintosh


April 2016

Sophie Mackintosh’s fiction has appeared in Granta and The Stinging Fly, among others. She was the winner of the...


Prize Entry

Issue No. 17

Sophie Mackintosh

Prize Entry

Issue No. 17

14. It comes for me in the middle of the day when I am preparing lunch, quartering a tomato then slicing each segment in...



July 2011

Letter of a Madman

Guy de Maupassant

TR. Will Stone


July 2011

Introduction by the translator In the early hours of 2 January 1892, sensing the approach of insanity, the renowned...


January 2016


Pierre Senges

TR. Jacob Siefring


January 2016

‘Suite’ was born of an invitation Pierre Senges received to contribute to an anthology on the future of the novel (Devenirs...


May 2011

Two Prose Poems From 'The Sacrifice of Abraham'

Alexander Nemser


May 2011

The Rabbis   As the purple light of evening descended, women sang blessings over silver candelabra, and a group...


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