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Skye Arundhati Thomas
Skye Arundhati Thomas is co-editor of The White Review.

Articles Available Online

Interview with Bani Abidi


Issue No. 33

Skye Arundhati Thomas


Issue No. 33

In the three-minute short Mangoes (1999) by Berlin-based Pakistani artist Bani Abidi, two women sit next to each other on a white table, each with...

Art Review

February 2019

Simryn Gill, Soft Tissue

Skye Arundhati Thomas

Art Review

February 2019

I walked into Simryn Gill’s exhibition SOFT TISSUE at Jhaveri Contemporary on one of the worst days of an...

What interests me most is that Schaumann, the state executioner, bred mice In his spare time Sirens, ozone, exhaust are words I could use to entice you into thinking yourself interested in the scene at Sing Sing where Schaumann, of whom you’ll hear quite a bit more, was dispatching this or that killer on a day let’s say in spring Did you know that he lived in an undecorated house? As a rule, he was inclined toward plainness An absence of adornment in his clothing, decorations, speech, wife, car, habits, comestibles He could have lived thus even if employed as a dog catcher or chiropodist Ostentation was invisible to him Or he preferred not to see it Tasteful or un, he found anything done for no reason than to excite the senses to be in poor form He had never thought otherwise Perhaps a transcription error in the old zygotic alphabet A likelihood that would not have been unfamiliar to him, breeding his mice Here a one with a longer tail, there a one who wouldn’t take food Schaumann eschewed even condiments Nor would he wear charms or trinkets He had lost his wedding ring on his honeymoon While swimming Sucked away by the salt he would not have added to his beef stew Leading his wife to joke that Schaumann was now married to the sea A joke, for those with an ear for such things Schaumann had no guile His children found it easy to deceive him His children found him simple Given his profession, however, I am tempted to see something defensive in his meticulous triviality Ostentation would draw attention If attention were paid to Schaumann, the attender might learn what Schaumann did for a living So he was ashamed of it?   Sources differ   His children found him simple I think they were mistaken And, anyway, they will not read this story I won’t encourage them to do so, and I’ll ask that you not bring it to their attention And did


February 2018

Skye Arundhati Thomas


February 2018

Skye Arundhati Thomas is co-editor of The White Review.

Bani Abidi & Naeem Mohaiemen, I wish to let you fall out of my hands (Chapter 1)

Art Review

February 2018

Skye Arundhati Thomas

Art Review

February 2018

Loneliness is mostly narrative. It also has an aesthetic: an empty tableau in which the lonely act is performed. In Naeem Mohaiemen’s Tripoli Cancelled...
The characters in We That Are Young reside at ‘The Farm’ – a sprawling house in New Delhi complete with its own topiary of fat peacocks, bulbous pink flowers with English names, Fendi furniture, and a room in which it snows at the press of a button It’s not far removed from reality – Antilla, the world’s first billion-dollar residence for a single family of four, is a 40-storey building that towers over the suburbs of South Mumbai, replete with a staff of over 600 people, its own electrical power grid, ten-storey parking for a collection of unusable vintage cars, and a room, of course, where it snows on demand In dialogue with Shakespeare’s King Lear, Taneja’s debut novel explores the lives of a family that owns a multinational conglomerate, ‘The Company’, to which each character’s fate (and inheritance) is inextricably tied We have our patriarch, the Lear figure, Devraj; his three daughters Sita, Radha and Gargi; and his right-hand man Ranjit’s two sons, Jeet and Jivan The embarrassment of riches makes for an irresistible, if outlandish, setting; Taneja vividly indulges our intrigue in the way the rich conduct their daily lives, letting her words ooze out their luxury – filthy, yet so desirable After a particularly gruesome scene in which Radha administers the plucking out of a man’s eyes, she steps back into her suite and calls for a pot of first flush Assam, and rose macaroons   A reinterpretation of Shakespeare is the perfect postcolonial conquest: he remains the epitome of the Western canon, patriarchal, and repeatedly failing to include representations of the ‘other’ without recourse to parody Mainstream appropriations of Shakespeare in South Asia, such as Bollywood filmmaker Vishal Bharadwaj’s trilogy Maqbool (Macbeth), Omkara (Othello), and Haider (Hamlet), have generally taken us to rural settings, wherein tragedy is relegated to a matter of the lower castes Taneja, a Shakespearean academic and human rights activist, eschews such stereotypes, and goes straight for the jugular: the innate hypocrisy of the Indian class and caste system ‘It’s not about land, it’s about money,’ states the first line of the book, taking
Preti Taneja’s ‘We That Are Young’

Book Review

October 2017

Skye Arundhati Thomas



January 2016


Galina Rymbu

TR. Joan Brooks


January 2016

I’m screaming lying alone in this settlement     everything empty only emptiness sex – is a desert  ...


Issue No. 2

Portraits of Pierre Reverdy and Three Poems

Sam Gordon


Issue No. 2

ANDRÉ BRETON The most memorable thing about our meetings [around 1919-1920] was the almost complete bareness of the room in...


May 2017

Francis Upritchard

Filipa Ramos


May 2017

Where do anthropology and archaeology meet? Do the study of humankind and the research of its material culture share...


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