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Izabella Scott

IZABELLA SCOTT is an editor at The White Review.

Articles Available Online

Shola von Reinhold’s ‘LOTE’

Book Review

September 2020

Izabella Scott

Book Review

September 2020

To read Shola von Reinhold’s ornate, multi-layered novel LOTE (2020) is to encounter a baroque mind. It tells the story of a queer Black...

Art Review

November 2019

Actually, the Dead are Not Dead

Izabella Scott

Art Review

November 2019

During Bergen Assembly’s opening days, I am asked to attend a number of mock funerals, including one for a...

From the start he was thrown in at the deep-end when the head keeper just handed him a pail of steaks and hustled him through the gates of the enclosure The thinking was that, since he was Jewish and not Christian, the lions would not have a taste for him Roth was dubious, but complied   The way to be was fearless but non-confrontational ‘Show them who is boss’ was the mantra Keepers before him had felt the temptation to become pally with the lions, to try and become friends with them They had paid the price So: ‘Show them who is boss’ They had filed into the lecture theatre to have a seminar right at the beginning of their terms at the zoo At the front a bushy-faced keeper had given them a brief talk on precisely this subject The talk was entitled ‘Show them who is Boss’ They had shown clips from Grizzly Man, mainly the sequences from just before Treadwell’s death The elderly keeper had stood guffawing at the back He was an ex-Kossack He was a traditionalist when it came to death The lions sat in the cages Roth had been told that the more intelligent the lion the more impossible he could be The more mangy, the more bedraggled and lazy-eyed and ghetto-looking the lion, the less you should worry Those lions weren’t intelligent enough to be mean Roth put his shoulders back every day and strode, like Clinton, into the enclosure The point was about body language They had to know that he wasn’t a man to mess with He looked out into the audience sometimes to see the anxious crowds, anxious for him Inside his head, he snorted at them Inside his head, he tossed his head What he had come to realize was that the lions were less interested in him than each other This realization came as a relief If he ever got knocked about it was usually an accident The day-to-day challenge was not to tame them; the day-to-day challenge was to get them at


September 2015

Izabella Scott


September 2015

IZABELLA SCOTT is an editor at The White Review.

Book Review

August 2019

Jordy Rosenberg’s ‘Confessions of the Fox’

Izabella Scott

Book Review

August 2019

It’s hot as fuck, said the friend who handed me Confessions of the Fox, a faux-memoir set in eighteenth-century...

Navine G. Khan-Dossos, Echo Chamber

Art Review

November 2017

Izabella Scott

Art Review

November 2017

A lattice of diamonds and crosses, painted onto a 21-metre long wall at the Van Abbemuseum in Eindhoven, scatters my gaze. Artist Navine G....
Hot Rocks


November 2016

Izabella Scott


November 2016

‘We have received around 150 of them,’ Massimo Osanna tells me, as we peer into four small crates stuffed full of dusty freezer bags....
False shadows


August 2016

Izabella Scott


August 2016

The ‘beautiful disorder’ of the Forbidden City and the Yuanmingyuan (Garden of Perfection and Light) was first noted by the Jesuit painter Jean Denis...



August 2013

How to Be an American

Will Heinrich


August 2013

Begin with a man on the beach. The sea is strangely iridescent, lighter in its lights and blacker in...

Prize Entry

April 2016


Karina Lickorish Quinn

Prize Entry

April 2016

After her daughter had – for the third time, no less – laid her eggs in the fruit bowl,...


June 2013

Interview with Lars Iyer

David Morris


June 2013

Like so much of the dialogue that marks time across Lars Iyer’s books, this conversation began in the pub....


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