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Scott Esposito

Scott Esposito is the co-author of The End of Oulipo? (with Lauren Elkin; Zero Books, 2013). His writing has appeared recently in Music & Literature, Drunken Boat, and The Point. His criticism appears frequently in the Times Literary Supplement, the San Francisco Chronicle, and The Washington Post.

Articles Available Online

The Last Redoubt


November 2014

Scott Esposito


November 2014

As they say of politics, I have found essay-writing to be the art of the possible. Certain work can only be done in those...


February 2014

Another Way of Thinking

Scott Esposito


February 2014

I. There is no substitute for that moment when a book places into our mind thoughts we recognise as our...

Aside from its absence of windows, my apartment is a mausoleum which bestows an epic dimension upon the important moments of my existence: the books that have shaped me, a few letters, some photographs and, more than anything, my records, without which life would be colourless and bland With my headphones on, immersed in an almost perfect silence, I surrender myself to the music of Keith Jarrett and then sometimes a feeling might appear, a subtle, unobtrusive sensation, like when a ray of sunlight filters through to my neatly made bed, radiating heat and light for a few minutes onto the counterpane and the floor These are fleeting moments, when a part of me, usually buried, awakes as if by enchantment to tenderness, gentleness My lungs swell, opening and closing with the notes of the piano I feel fragile, like when I was a child And then back they come to me, the stinking, pot-holed streets of Old Havana, the sticky heat I never quite managed to get used to, my brothers sticking their dirty hands into the kitchen pot, in the kitchen bubbling away full of malanga, that ever-present tuber whose vile odour wafts throughout the entire house, forcing me to go out into the yard where my neighbours play Jarrett notwithstanding, I can never bear these memories for very long That kind of life – rough, miserable – pains me   I first began to hate at the age of five, when Facundo Martínez and his family showed up at our communal house Up until then, this big old house with its one floor and an inner courtyard had been exclusively ours, that is, it had belonged to my parents, my brothers, and my uncles and aunts and my cousins We lived on one side of the patio and my uncle and aunts on the other, in a harmonious, balanced existence I can still remember the morning the moving truck pulled up outside the front door A militiaman arrived with a piece of paper and a smile, to inform us that the Martínez family had been assigned half the lot Only then


August 2014

Scott Esposito


August 2014

Scott Esposito is the co-author of The End of Oulipo? (with Lauren Elkin; Zero Books, 2013). His writing has...

Negation: A Response to Lars Iyer's 'Nude in Your Hot Tub'


September 2012

Scott Esposito


September 2012

I do not know whether I have anything to say, I know that I am saying nothing; I do not know if what I...
Art's Fading Sway: Russian Ark by Aleksandr Sokurov


May 2012

Scott Esposito


May 2012

I have often fallen asleep in small theatres. It is an embarrassing thing to have happen during one-man shows, and I am certain that...



October 2015

Licence to Play

Thirza Wakefield


October 2015

In his 1992 essay ‘In Search of the Centaur’, the writer and critic Phillip Lopate described the essay-film as...


April 2014


SJ Fowler


April 2014

Since I have worked at the mueum I have published, and I have written 486 pems. I have seen...


June 2012

'The Freedom of Speech Itself', or the betrayal of the voice

Lorena Muñoz-Alonso


June 2012

‘The instability of an accent, its borrowed and hybridised phonetic form, is testimony not to someone’s origins but only...


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