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Patrick Langley
Patrick Langley's debut novel Arkady was published by Fitzcarraldo Editions in March 2018. He writes on contemporary art for Frieze, Art Agenda, and other publications. He is a contributing editor at The White Review.

Articles Available Online

Jesse Ball’s ‘Census’

Book Review

May 2018

Patrick Langley

Book Review

May 2018

Reading Jesse Ball’s new novel feels like being hypnotised, or like having your heart broken – but really it feels like both at once....

Book Review

November 2017

M. John Harrison's 'You Should Come With Me Now'

Patrick Langley

Book Review

November 2017

In a 2012 interview with the Guardian, M. John Harrison argued that the segregation of literature into genres is ‘a...

Cast as the ‘savage, ugly’ part in the Popular Mechanics live show, Necrorealists were radical artists in their own right, practicing film, painting, photography and performance They were exclusively young men who appeared to be suffering from a collective breakdown Their public drunkenness, brawling and unchannelled energies invited chaos Dressed in medical smocks, army issue long johns and earflap caps (the outfit of the provincial surplus store) Necrorealists differed from ordinary citizens, not in breaking the rules of socialist living, but in following those rules according to their own obtuse interpretations Under the dismal fog of Leningrad’s northern marsh, this unstable rabble of loiterers, boiler-room attendants, medical orderlies and technical students pursued a grotesque existence which led them first into idiocy and then into a kind of absurd death   Necrorealism was never a large-scale movement, but it greatly puzzled the Komsomol and other institutions responsible for youth welfare Necrorealists were dysfunctional and asocial, but they could not be accused of promoting Western lifestyles like the earlier Bitniki and Stilyagi subcultures Nor did they seem capable of organising conspiratorial activities Their disinterest in political matters was unwavering, and it was not easy to distinguish a ‘real’ Necro-performance from the general eccentricity spreading amongst the urban populus in the aftermath of Brezhnev’s leadership Even the Necro ideologue, Evgeny Yufit, admitted that he was engaged in several years of ‘wild and pointless’ activity before realising that it constituted a bona fide worldview   This formative period of clown-like hooliganism took place in the courtyards and hallways of communal apartments, on suburban trains and in the fetid swamps and forests beyond Leningrad’s industrial sprawl Here, the Necrorealists would churn up the rotten soil in frenzied battle charges and mass fist fights The participants at these events were at first barely acquainted with each other, coming together for the sole purpose of expending their pent-up energy   To the public, these formative Necro-performances must have raised disturbing questions about the young men involved In a 1989 television broadcast on Leningrad’s The Fifth Wheel, the same programme that would host the Lenin-Mushroom lecture two years later, a team of psychiatrists


August 2014

Patrick Langley


August 2014

Patrick Langley’s debut novel Arkady was published by Fitzcarraldo Editions in March 2018. He writes on contemporary art for Frieze, Art...


September 2014

Semi Floating Sculpture

Luke Hart

Patrick Langley


September 2014

Luke Hart will meet me at Gate 7. I get the text on the DLR, heading east past Canary...

Ordinary Voids


Issue No. 9

Ed Aves

Patrick Langley


Issue No. 9

I am standing in a parallelogram of shrubbery outside London City Airport. Ed is twisting a dial on his Mamiya RZ67 and squinting into its viewfinder. He...
Car Wash


January 2013

Patrick Langley


January 2013

He is sitting on the back seat of a car, somewhere in France. It’s a bright blue day, absurdly hot, and the roads are...
Ryan Trecartin: The Real Internet is Inside You


April 2012

Patrick Langley


April 2012

 ‘What’s that buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzing?’ Marshall McLuhan   1: Your Original Is Having A Complete Human Change Meltdown Makeover   It’s difficult to describe Ryan Trecartin’s...


September 2011

Patrick Langley


September 2011

Jamie sat alone at the edge of the dance floor and wondered how long it would be until Nigel arrived. The band had been...
Beyond the Horizon


Issue No. 1

Patrick Langley


Issue No. 1

Listen to the silence, let it ring on. (Joy Division, Transmission) I It is not yet dawn. The city is a distant murmur. Laid...



May 2014

Rain on the Roof (to James Schuyler)

David Andrew


May 2014

Degrees of distance Who all died at different dates, known to each other: not just in the human race...


January 2016

Eight Minutes and Nineteen Seconds

Georgi Gospodinov

TR. Angela Rodel


January 2016

The minute you start reading this, the sun may already have gone out, but you won’t know it yet....


Issue No. 20

From a Cuban Notebook

J. S. Tennant


Issue No. 20

Beneath the rain, beneath the smell, beneath all that is a reality a people makes and unmakes itself leaving...


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