
The White Review Poet’s Prize 2019 Shortlist

Today we announce the White Review Poet’s Prize 2019 shortlist. In this third year of the Prize, three hundred portfolios were entered for consideration. The nine shortlisted poets are named below, and one poem from each poet’s portfolio is published on our website. 


The shortlisted portfolios will be judged by Rachael Allen, Kayo Chingonyi and Ariana Reines, and the winner will be announced at the Poet’s Prize Party at SET, London, on December 5th. Entry is free and all are welcome. 


The White Review Poet’s Prize 2019 Shortlist


Click on the name to read the poem 



Beth Dynowski 


Maia Elsner 


Flora de Falbe


Kaleem Hawa 


Dane Holt


Julie Irigaray


Laura O’Callaghan-White 


Yvette Siegert 


Dahmicca Wright




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