
The White Review No. 3


On Extinction: Whales by Melanie Challenger (Reportage)

Elmgreen & Dragset (Interview)

Forkhead Box by Jeremy M. Davies (Fiction)

Borism by Oliver Griffin and Lee Rourke (Art)

Dead Unicorns: Apocalyptic Anxiety in Canadian Art by Vanessa Nicholas (Essay)

Poems by Rebecca Wolff, Toshiko Hirata (tr. Jeffrey Angles) and Rikudah Potash (tr. Michael Casper) (Poetry)

Will Self (Interview)

Hammer and Blackberry & Outside In by Stephen Gill (Art)

This is Not the Place: Perec, The Situationists and Belleville by Karl Whitney (Reportage)

Rehearsal Room by K J Orr (Fiction)

Marina Warner (Interview)

Reduction by Alison Rossiter (Art)

Poems by Medbh McGuckian, Jon Thompson, Adrian Dannatt and Michael Hampton (Poetry)

The New Global Literature? Marjane Satrapi and the Depiction of Conflict in Comics by Jessica Copley (Essay)

Fifteen Flowers by Federico Falco (tr. Janet Hendrickson) (Fiction)


Cover: Green over Yellow by Matthew Allen

Booklet insert: Tentative d’épuisement d’un lieu by Badaude



Issue No. 15


The Editors


Issue No. 15

In The Art of the Publisher, Roberto Calasso suggests that publishing is something approaching an art form, whereby ‘all...


January 2014

Son of Man

Yi Mun-yol

TR. Brother Anthony of Taizé


January 2014

Rain falling onto thick layers of accumulated dust had left the windows of the criminal investigations office so mottled...


March 2017

Interview with Rodrigo Hasbún

Enea Zaramella

Rodrigo Hasbún

TR. Sophie Hughes


March 2017

Rodrigo Hasbún (born Cochabamba, Bolivia, 1981) has published two novels and a collection of short stories; he was selected...


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