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Yara Rodrigues Fowler

Yara Rodrigues Fowler is from South London. She was chosen as one of The Observer's New Faces of Fiction 2019 and is the author of Stubborn Archivist.

Articles Available Online

Geovani Martins’s ‘The Sun on my Head’

Book Review

August 2019

Yara Rodrigues Fowler

Book Review

August 2019

I started reading Geovani Martins’s The Sun on my Head in English, but within minutes I was sending emails, trying to get hold of...



May 2015

In the Light of Ras Tafari

Anna Della Subin


May 2015

‘A STRANGE NEW FISH EMITS A BLINDING GREEN LIGHT’, the article in National Geographic announced. Off the coast of...


March 2013

Interview with Amit Chaudhuri

Anita Sethi


March 2013

Think of the long trip home.  Should we have stayed at home and thought of here?  Where should we...


September 2011

The Cinematographer, a 42-year-old man named Miyagawa, aimed his camera directly at the sun, which at first probably seemed like a bad idea

Michael Earl Craig


September 2011

Last night Kurosawa’s woodcutter strode through the forest, his axe on his shoulder. Intense sunlight stabbed and sparkled and...


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