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Sophia Giovannitti
Sophia Giovannitti is a writer and conceptual artist based in New York. She has written on gender, sex and labour for The New Inquiry, n+1, Document Journal and SSENSE, among others; her videos and performance-based Studies have been shown at Recess, the Athens Biennale, Duplex, The Bowery Hotel, and PPOW, among others. Working Girl: On Selling Art and Selling Sex is forthcoming with Verso in 2023. 

Articles Available Online

Working Girl


February 2023

Sophia Giovannitti


February 2023

In 2021, I collapsed all of my identities onto themselves. Previously, I had written under my legal name – essays and reviews – unless...



June 2011

Beautiful Poetry

Camille Guthrie


June 2011

‘Being so caught up So mastered.’ Yeats     I was too shy to say anything but Your poems...


June 2012

Interview with Malcolm McNeill

Patrick Langley


June 2012

I first met Malcolm McNeill in 2007. He was in London to do some printing for an exhibition, and he showed...


Issue No. 2

The Brothel

Kit Buchan


Issue No. 2

I unearthed a little brothel in the spring of forty-three, It was captained by a midwife who was ninety...


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