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Rebecca Wolff
Rebecca Wolff is the author of three books of poems: Manderley, Figment, and The King. She is also the author of a novel, The Beginners. A founding editor of Fence, a literary journal, and Fence Books, and of The Constant Critic, she is a fellow at the New York State Writers Institute at the University of Albany, in the US, and lives in a small village called Athens, on the Hudson River. She is at work on a new book of poems called One Morning—.

Articles Available Online

Two Poems


Issue No. 3

Rebecca Wolff


Issue No. 3

I approach a purchase adore my children— back away— that they revere ugliness the rainbow bag that holds a smaller rainbow bag I just...



July 2015

Scropton, Sudbury...

Jessie Greengrass


July 2015

My parents were grocers. For twenty-five years they owned a shop with a green awning and crates of vegetables...

Prize Entry

April 2016


Chris Newlove Horton

Prize Entry

April 2016

He said, ‘Tell me about yourself.’ He said, ‘Tell me about you.’ He said, ‘Tell me everything. I’m interested.’...


October 2013

Interview with Chris Petit

Hannah Gregory


October 2013

Chris Petit likes driving. Most of his films, from his first Radio On (1979), to London Orbital (with Iain...


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