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Rahul Bery
RAHUL BERY lives in Cardiff and translates from Spanish and Portuguese into English. His most recent translations are Nothing Can Hurt You Now by Simone Campos and Mary John by Ana Pessoa (co-translated with Daniel Hahn). He is currently working on a translation of Centroeuropa by Vicente Luis Mora.

Articles Available Online



December 2013

The Horror of Philosophy

Houman Harouni


December 2013

An article published in this same venue opens with a grievance: ‘We lack the philosophers that we require for...


January 2015

Diana's Tree

Alejandra Pizarnik

TR. Yvette Siegert


January 2015

Diana’s Tree, Alejandra Pizarnik’s fourth collection, was published in 1962, when the poet was barely 26 years old. Named after...


Issue No. 3

Camera & Even After He is Gone, the Cat is Here and I Cast My Suspicions on Him

Toshiko Hirata

TR. Jeffrey Angles


Issue No. 3

Camera You take my sweet sleeping face You take my innocent smile You take my large breasts Even though...


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