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Leah Umansky
Leah Umansky lives and teaches in NYC and is the author of The Barbarous Century (Eyewear Publishing 2018), among others. She earned her MFA in Poetry at Sarah Lawrence College. Her poems have appeared or are forthcoming in such places as POETRY, Magma Poetry, Barrow Street, Pleiades, Salamander, Plume, and the anthologies, The Eloquent Poem (Persea Books) and Misrepresented Peoples (NYQ Books). She is #teamkhaleesi & #teammaeve.

Articles Available Online

Three Poems


March 2018

Leah Umansky


March 2018

Stone   Stone heart. Stone deep. Stone minded. Turn to Stone. Stoned. Stone. I turn to stone when I’m argumentative. I turn to stone...



March 2015

Interview with Jonathan Meades

Jamie Sutcliffe


March 2015

The television broadcasts of Jonathan Meades are marked by a surreal humour, a polymathic breadth of knowledge, and a...


January 2014

Leg over Leg

Ahmad Fāris al-Shidyāq

TR. Humphrey Davies


January 2014

First published in 1855, Leg over Leg recounts the life, from birth to middle age, of ‘the Fāriyāq,’ alter ego of...


January 2016

Good People

Nir Baram

TR. Jeffrey Green


January 2016

Good People opens in Berlin in 1938. Thomas Heiselberg has grand plans to make the company he works for the...


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