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Keller Easterling
Keller Easterling is an architect, writer and professor at Yale. Her most recent book, Extrastatecraft: The Power of Infrastructure Space (Verso, 2014)examines global infrastructure as a medium of polity. Another recent book, Subtraction (Sternberg, 2014), considers building removal or how to put the development machine into reverse. Other books include: Enduring Innocence: Global Architecture and its Political Masquerades (MIT, 2005) and Organization Space: Landscapes, Highways and Houses in America (MIT, 1999). Her research and writing was included in the 2014 Venice Biennale, and she lectures and exhibits internationally.

Articles Available Online

Oh You


January 2017

Keller Easterling


January 2017

You won’t be able to do it. It is a call, and it is something you only know how to do by doing it...



August 2017

Becoming Alice Neel

Rosanna Mclaughlin


August 2017

From the first time I saw Alice Neel’s portraits, I wanted to see the world as she did. Neel...


November 2011

Interview with Margaret Jull Costa

Sam Gordon


November 2011

On first impressions, this interview with Margaret Jull Costa, happening as it did – for the most part –...


August 2016

No Holds Barred

Rodrigo Rey Rosa

TR. Brian Hagenbuch


August 2016

Hello. Dr Rivers’ clinic? Thank you. Yes. Yes, doctor, I would like to be your patient. With your permission,...


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