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Claire Carroll
Claire Carroll is a writer based in Somerset UK, whose work explores our relationship with nature and technology. She has recently finished writing a collection of experimental short stories that deal with loss, desire and the anxiety brought about by the climate crisis. Her work is published in Perhappened Magazine, Reflex Fiction, Lunate and Dust Magazine, and she is the recipient of the 2021 Short Fiction Journal & University of Essex International Wild Writing Prize. 

Articles Available Online

My Brain is Boiling with Ideas


August 2021

Claire Carroll


August 2021

It’s Sunday, after lunch. The sun hovers, full up. The houses – the tarmac, the lampposts, the cars in the driveways – glitter in...



Issue No. 7

On a Decline in British Fiction

Jennifer Hodgson

Patricia Waugh


Issue No. 7

‘The special fate of the novel,’ Frank Kermode has written, ‘is always to be dying.’ In Britain, the terminal...


September 2015

Interview with Patrick deWitt

Anthony Cummins


September 2015

Patrick deWitt’s new novel, Undermajordomo Minor, tells the story of Lucy, a bungling young man hired to assist a...


January 2013

Car Wash

Patrick Langley


January 2013

He is sitting on the back seat of a car, somewhere in France. It’s a bright blue day, absurdly...


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