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Annie Julia Wyman
Annie Julia Wyman's work has appeared or is forthcoming in Vice, Cabinet, n+1, the Believer, McSweeney's, Paris Review Daily, the Los Angeles Review of Books and elsewhere. She is a doctoral candidate at Harvard. 'The Bad Thing' was shortlisted for the 2017 White Review Short Story Prize (US & Canada).

Articles Available Online

The Bad Thing

Prize Entry

April 2017

Annie Julia Wyman

Prize Entry

April 2017

1.   It must have been around the same time she decided that she really was using all the hot yoga as a substitute...


Prize Entry

Issue No. 17


Sophie Mackintosh

Prize Entry

Issue No. 17

14. It comes for me in the middle of the day when I am preparing lunch, quartering a tomato...


July 2013

univers, univers

Régis Jauffret

TR. Jeffrey Zuckerman


July 2013

I. You remember your childhood. Your tow-headed, reddish-tinged mother, who yelled after you all day like a Paraguayan peasant...


March 2017


Guadalupe Nettel

TR. Rosalind Harvey


March 2017

Aside from its absence of windows, my apartment is a mausoleum which bestows an epic dimension upon the important...


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