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Alf van der Hagen
Alf van der Hagen has been Chief Editor for Norway's oldest newspaper, Morgenbladet, and an editor at NRK, De norske Bokklubbene, and the literary journal Vagant. He was awarded the Norwegian Critics Prize for Non-Fiction for a book about Dag Solstad in 2013, and his biography of Kjell Askildsen was nominated for the Brage Prize the following year. He is the author of seven volumes of book-length interviews.

Articles Available Online

Interview with Tor Ulven


January 2016

Cecilie Schram Hoel

Alf van der Hagen

TR. Benjamin Mier-Cruz


January 2016

Tor Ulven gave this interview, his last, a year and a half before he died, leaving behind a language that had never been seen...



September 2012

Sarah Palin Night

Agustín Fernández Mallo

TR. Michael McDevitt


September 2012

It was a Sunday afternoon, siesta time: my phone buzzed in my pocket. ‘Is this Agustín Fernández Mallo?’ ‘Yes,...


May 2012

Monopoly (after Ashbery)

Sarah Howe


May 2012

I keep everything until the moment it’s needed. I am the glint in your bank manager’s eye. I never...


Issue No. 10

Seventeen Contradictions and the End of Capitalism

David Harvey


Issue No. 10

Prospects for a Happy but Contested Future: The Promise of Revolutionary Humanism   From time immemorial there have been...


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