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Katherine E. Young
Katherine E. Young is the author of the poetry collections Woman Drinking Absinthe and Day of the Border Guards and the editor of Written in Arlington. She is the translator of Look at Him by Anna Starobinets and Farewell, Aylis by Akram Aylisli. Young’s translations of contemporary Russophone poetry have won international awards; she was also named a 2017 National Endowment for the Arts translation fellow (US). From 2016-2018, she served as the inaugural poet laureate for Arlington, Virginia, US.

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Issue No. 17


The Editors


Issue No. 17

An Englishman, a Frenchman and an Irishman set up a magazine in London in 2010. This sounds like the...


Issue No. 3

Camera & Even After He is Gone, the Cat is Here and I Cast My Suspicions on Him

Toshiko Hirata

TR. Jeffrey Angles


Issue No. 3

Camera You take my sweet sleeping face You take my innocent smile You take my large breasts Even though...


Issue No. 3

Cousin Alice

Medbh McGuckian


Issue No. 3

Your mountain is robed in sombre rifle green And one of its greener fields is suddenly Black with rooks....


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