
The White Review No. 20 NYC Launch

The White Review No. 20 New York Launch

McNally Jackson Books
52 Prince Street New York, NY 10012
Thursday, 27 July|7 p.m.


Join us at McNally Jackson Books on Thursday, 27 July to celebrate the US launch of our twentieth print issue. Readings by CA CONRAD, SOPHIE ROBINSON & JOHN KEENE will start shortly after 7 p.m. There will be drinks.


CA CONRAD and SOPHIE ROBINSON‘s poetry appear in our nineteenth issue, and an excerpt of JOHN KEENE’s translation of HILDA HILST’s LETTERS FROM A SEDUCER was published in our 2014 online translation issue.


THE WHITE REVIEW No. 20 features interviews with Anne Carson, Jean-Luc Nancy and Mounira Al Solh; nonfiction by Felix Bazalgette, Tom McCarthy and J.S. Tennant; fiction by Claire-Louise Bennett, Nicole Flattery and Kristen Gleason; poetry from Heather Phillipson and Nisha Ramayya; and artwork by John Divola, Uwe Henneken,  Nicolas Party and Heather Phillipson. Read the editorial here.




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