
The White Review No. 8 Launch, with Keston Sutherland

We are delighted to announce the launch of The White Review No. 8 at Copeland Book Market, Peckham.

To mark the launch, Keston Sutherland will read from his latest collection, The Odes to TL61P, at 7.30pm. The event takes place in the ‘strawditorium’ at Bold Tendencies, designed and built by Practice Architecture.

There will be drinks. Please RSVP via Facebook or to editors [at]

The White Review No. 8 features, among other things, interviews with artist Sophie Calle, novelist Deborah Levy and the author and filmmaker Chris Kraus, fiction by China Miéville, essays on écriture féminine and American art collaborative Bruce High Quality Foundation, poetry by John Ashbery and Eugene Ostashevsky, and artwork by Claudia Wieser, Ben Berlow and Guy Gormley.




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