
The White Review in Berlin, with Eugene Ostashevsky

We’re delighted to be returning to MOTTO BOOKS, BERLIN for a FREE evening of performance poetry and prose on Thursday 14 November 2013. 

In line with The White Review’s principles we’ll be presenting established talents alongside a new voice, performing works that blur the boundaries of performance, art and poetry. 

A short introduction by the editors will be followed by readings from Eugene Ostashevsky, Greg Baxter and Matt Lomas, about whom more below. There will be drinks before, during and after the performances.

The Russian-American poet EUGENE OSTASHEVSKY, who contributed an excerpt from ‘The Pirate Who Does Not Know the Value of Pi’ (about the relationship between a pirate and his parrot) to The White Review 8. Famous for his physically animated, ventriloquistic performances, Ostashevksy’s books of poetry include ‘The Life and Opinions of DJ Spinoza’, published by Ugly Duckling Presse.

GREG BAXTER was born in Texas in 1974. He is the author of two books, A Preparation for Death and The Apartment. A third book, Munich Airport, will be published in 2014. He lives in Berlin.

MATT LOMAS, whose ‘A Letter That Never Reached England’ featured in The White Review 4, will read a new piece that ‘oscillates between English and German’, appropriately for an event organised by an English-language journal in Berlin.




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