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Zoë Perry
Zoë Perry's translations of contemporary Portuguese-language fiction and non-fiction have appeared in The New Yorker, Granta, Words Without Borders, and the Washington Square Review. She was awarded a PEN/Heim grant for her translation of Veronica Stigger's novel Opisanie świata. Zoë is a founding member of the London-based translators collective, The Starling Bureau.

Articles Available Online



May 2014

Interview with Conrad Shawcross

Patrick Sykes


May 2014

Though an intimidating sixteen feet tall, the industrial robot in Conrad Shawcross’s flat doesn’t look at all out of...


Issue No. 1

Interview with Tom McCarthy

Fred Fernandez Armesto


Issue No. 1

For those expecting him to be, as the New Statesman called him, ‘the most galling interviewee in Britain’, Tom...


January 2015

Diana's Tree

Alejandra Pizarnik

TR. Yvette Siegert


January 2015

Diana’s Tree, Alejandra Pizarnik’s fourth collection, was published in 1962, when the poet was barely 26 years old. Named after...


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