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Wolfgang Hildesheimer
Wolfgang Hildesheimer (1916-1991) was a novelist, playwright, painter, and the translator of Djuna Barnes’s Nightwood into German. His books include Loveless Legends, Mozart and Marbot, all of which have appeared in English. Later this year, Dalkey Archive Press will publish Hildesheimer’s Tynset. A volume of his correspondence is currently in preparation for Suhrkamp Verlag.

Articles Available Online

About Renata Adler’s Speedboat


January 2016

Wolfgang Hildesheimer

TR. Shaun Whiteside


January 2016

  Best known for his bestselling biography of Mozart, Wolfgang Hildesheimer was a polymathic novelist, translator, painter and dramatist. A member of the influential literary...



October 2013

Interview with Chris Petit

Hannah Gregory


October 2013

Chris Petit likes driving. Most of his films, from his first Radio On (1979), to London Orbital (with Iain...

Prize Entry

April 2017

/gosha rubchinskiy/

Christopher Burkham

Prize Entry

April 2017

1. APARTMENT INTERIOR/MORNING/BELYAYEVO, MOCKBA, ROSSIJSKAJA FEDERACIJA…   There is a T-shirt on the desk in front of him.  ...


Issue No. 12

Interview with Yvonne Rainer

Orit Gat


Issue No. 12

TWO DAYS BEFORE WE WERE SCHEDULED TO MEET, Yvonne Rainer walked into the gallery I was looking after for...


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