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Rahul Bery

Rahul Bery, a secondary school teacher and translator from Spanish and Portuguese, is based in Cardiff. He has translated essays and stories by Daniel Galera, Cesar Aíra and Enrique Vila-Matas, all for this publication.

Articles Available Online


Prize Entry

April 2017

Abu One-Eye

Rav Grewal-Kök

Prize Entry

April 2017

He left two photographs.   In the first, his eldest brother balances him on a knee. It must be...


June 2015


Mónica de la Torre


June 2015

Hotel   The housekeeper has children living in town with her but her husband and relatives are in Somalia....


July 2014

Little Pistorius in a Sleevelet of Mirrors

Joyelle McSweeney


July 2014

INSERT: Little Pistorius in a Sleevelet of Mirrors A ballet performed by the corps du ballet of S——– to...


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