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Tor Ulven
Tor Ulven (1953-1995) was one of the most renowned Norwegian authors of the twentieth century, beginning his career writing poetry and ending it with unclassifiable explorations of the possibilities of prose. Replacement was published in English by Dalkey Archive Press in 2012.

Articles Available Online



June 2011

Testament: Two Poems

Connie Voisine


June 2011

Testament What’s the difference? You might wear it out touching, touching, not buying. Like a snail on a stick,...

Prize Entry

April 2017


Ed Lately

Prize Entry

April 2017

The apology had been the most charged and contested gesture between us, the common element in arguments whose subjects...


February 2017

Interview with Hajra Waheed

Rebecca Travis


February 2017

This conversation with Hajra Waheed began in person with an opportune meeting at her Montreal studio in April 2016....


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