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Szilárd Borbély

One of the most significant poets to emerge from Central Europe after 1989, Szilárd Borbély has created an oeuvre that unflinchingly examines questions of loss, absence, trauma and memory. He has been awarded several important prizes for his work in Hungary. English translations of his poetry have appeared in The American Reader, Asymptote, and Poetry MagazineHe died in 2014. 

Articles Available Online

The Dispossessed


January 2014

Szilárd Borbély

TR. Ottilie Mulzet


January 2014

The Dispossessed is Szilárd Borbély’s first novel, although he has been active – and widely acclaimed – as a poet, literary historian and essayist for...



June 2014

Turning the Game Around

Daniel Galera

TR. Rahul Bery


June 2014

Once upon a time there was – no, better: you are a thief who wanders through the cities and...


Issue No. 13

Writers from the Old Days

Enrique Vila-Matas

TR. J. S. Tennant


Issue No. 13

Augusto Monterroso wrote that sooner or later the Latin American writer faces three possible fates: exile, imprisonment or burial....


January 2015

The Vegetarian

Han Kang

TR. Deborah Smith


January 2015

Originally published as three separate novellas, the second of which secured the prestigious Yi Sang prize, The Vegetarian has...


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