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Sun Yung Shin
Sun Yung Shin (born 1974) is a Korean American poet, writer and educator. She is the Rough, and Savage (Coffee House Press, 2012), Skirt Full of Black (Coffee House Press, 2007), and the bilingual (English/Korean) illustrated children's book Cooper's Lesson (Children's Book Press an imprint of Lee & Low Books). Her new book of poems, Unbearable Splendor, is released with Coffee House Press on October 11, 2016.

Articles Available Online



Issue No. 18

Interview with Eileen Myles

Maria Dimitrova


Issue No. 18

I sat across from Eileen Myles at a large empty table in her London publisher’s office a few hours...


January 2015

One Out of Two

Daniel Sada

TR. Katherine Silver


January 2015

Now, how to say it? One out of two, or two in one, or what? The Gamal sisters were...

Prize Entry

April 2016

Role Play

Naomi Frisby

Prize Entry

April 2016

Your right hand is the first to go. One Sunday afternoon as you’re sitting on the sofa reading the...


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