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Simon Middleton
Simon Middleton’s work has previously featured in IOTA, Envoi, The Cadaverine, Firewords Quarterly and Eyewear’s Best New British and Irish Poets 2017. His poetry and fiction have been shortlisted for the Bridport Prize, Winchester Prize 2020, and in 2018 his poem ‘Space was a material’ won the Dorset Award.

Articles Available Online

If I Could Just Bring Myself

Prize Entry

February 2022

Simon Middleton

Prize Entry

February 2022

to run a damp cloth along every surface of that room, it could be different.   Instead I’m in the kitchen gathering all the...



Issue No. 3

Glow Me Out

Rikudah Potash

TR. Michael Casper


Issue No. 3

In the fiery cosmos Out of which you made             Timna Glow me in...


Issue No. 11

Poems from [---] Placeholder

Rob Halpern


Issue No. 11

Obscene Intimacy My soldier was found unresponsive restrained In his cell death being due to blunt force injuries To...


June 2012

'The Freedom of Speech Itself', or the betrayal of the voice

Lorena Muñoz-Alonso


June 2012

‘The instability of an accent, its borrowed and hybridised phonetic form, is testimony not to someone’s origins but only...


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