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Silvia Rothlisberger
Silvia Rothlisberger is a writer and journalist working in editorial at the Guardian. She hosts a radio show on Resonance 104.4 called Literary South and is a contributing editor at Minor Literature[s]. She focuses mainly on contemporary Latin American literature.

Articles Available Online

Interview with Gabriela Cabezón Cámara and Ariana Harwicz


August 2020

Silvia Rothlisberger


August 2020

Gabriela Cabezón Cámara and Ariana Harwicz are two leading figures in Argentinian and Latin American contemporary literature. I came across their work after their...



September 2011

The Moon over Timna

Rikudah Potash

TR. Michael Casper


September 2011

In a copper house Lived the new moon, The new moon Of Timna. In a copper coat With a...


December 2013

When We Were Here: The 1990s in Film

Masha Tupitsyn


December 2013

‘I remember touch. Pictures came with touch.’ -Daft Punk, ‘Touch’   In the 1990s, three important pre post-reality films...

Prize Entry

April 2016

Mute Canticle

Leon Craig

Prize Entry

April 2016

Giulio the singing fascist came to pick me up from the little airport in his Jeep. He made sure...


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