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Sara Mesa
Sara Mesa was born in Madrid but has lived in Seville since childhood. She is the author of six novels and three short story collections, among them the novels Cuatro por cuatro (finalist for the Premio Herralde), Cicatriz (the Ojo Crítico de RNE prize) and Cara de pan, as well as the story collection Mala letra – all published by Anagrama. Her work has been translated into ten languages. Her most recent novel, Un amor, was chosen as book of the year 2020 by El País, El Cultural and La Vanguardia, and received the Los Libreros Recomiendan [Booksellers' Recommendation] prize in the fiction category.

Articles Available Online



October 2021

Sara Mesa

TR. Martha Sprackland


October 2021

At that time our experience with death was very limited. Sometimes someone’s grandfather or grandmother would die, like a domino falling when its turn...



Issue No. 4

The White Review No. 4 Editorial

The Editors


Issue No. 4

We live in interesting times. A few years ago, with little warning and for reasons obscure to all but...


June 2011

Beautiful Poetry

Camille Guthrie


June 2011

‘Being so caught up So mastered.’ Yeats     I was too shy to say anything but Your poems...


March 2013

If Not, Not

Natasha Soobramanien


March 2013

This story may or may not end in Venice and in silent, unacknowledged tragedy but let it begin here,...


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