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Rodrigo Hasbún
Rodrigo Hasbún (Cochabamba, Bolivia, 1981) has published two novels and a collection of short stories; he was selected by the 2007 Hay Festival as one of the Bogotá 39, and in 2010 was listed by Granta as one of the twenty best writers in Spanish under the age of 35. Two of his stories have been made into films for which he co-wrote the screenplays. Affections is his second novel and will be translated into ten languages.

Articles Available Online

Interview with Rodrigo Hasbún


March 2017

Enea Zaramella

Rodrigo Hasbún

TR. Sophie Hughes


March 2017

Rodrigo Hasbún (born Cochabamba, Bolivia, 1981) has published two novels and a collection of short stories; he was selected by the 2007 Hay Festival...



March 2014

The Nothing on Which the Fire Depends

Micheline Aharonian Marcom


March 2014

Friday 9 November 2009   The coffee is lukewarm, but she doesn’t mind to drink it this way. She...


February 2017

In Case of Death

David Nash


February 2017

1. Cessation of Breath: Is He Breathing?   He’s not breathing, and he cannot go on like this. He...


Issue No. 2

Portraits of Pierre Reverdy and Three Poems

Sam Gordon


Issue No. 2

ANDRÉ BRETON The most memorable thing about our meetings [around 1919-1920] was the almost complete bareness of the room in...


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