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Rhoda Feng
Rhoda Feng has written about theater and books for The New York Times, The Times Literary Supplement, 4Columns, frieze, Vogue, The New Republic, The Baffler, and more.

Articles Available Online

A Small But Incredibly Valuable Nut

Book Review

February 2022

Rhoda Feng

Book Review

February 2022

At the end of Amitav Ghosh’s SEA OF POPPIES (2008), a character reflects on how her life has been governed not by the sign...



June 2013

Major Organs

Melissa Lee-Houghton


June 2013

When they take my brain out of its casing it will be fluorescent and the mortuary assistant will have...


October 2014

Interview with Jem Cohen

Steve Macfarlane


October 2014

Jem Cohen may be one of the quintessential New York filmmakers of our era. Peerless in his knack for...


Issue No. 1

Interview with Tim Walker

Karl Smith


Issue No. 1

‘I’m not so motivated by fashion and brands,’ explains Tim Walker – one of the world’s leading fashion photographers....


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