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Rebecca Bates
Rebecca Bates is a writer and editor living in New York City. She is a co-editor of Powder Keg. Her work has appeared in GuernicaThe Paris Review DailyThe New Inquiry, and elsewhere.

Articles Available Online

Yoko Tawada's ‘The Last Children of Tokyo’

Book Review

July 2018

Rebecca Bates

Book Review

July 2018

Everywhere in the Japan of Yoko Tawada’s The Last Children of Tokyo, strange mutations unfold. In the years (perhaps decades, or perhaps generations) since an...



November 2014

Lay and Other Poems

Pere Gimferrer

TR. Adrian Nathan West


November 2014

Ode to Venice Before the Sea of Theaters (from Arde el mar, 1966)   The false cups, the poison,...


Issue No. 3

Fifteen Flowers

Federico Falco

TR. Janet Hendrickson


Issue No. 3

To Lilia Lardone Summer was ending. The air already smelled like smoke, but it still looked clear, sunny. The...


August 2016

Interview with Daniel Sinsel

Rosanna Mclaughlin


August 2016

In the decade after leaving Chelsea School of Art in 2002, Daniel Sinsel made a name for himself with...


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