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Rachel Long
Rachel Long is a poet and the founder of Octavia – Poetry Collective for Womxn of Colour, which is housed at Southbank Centre, London. She was shortlisted for Young Poet for Laureate for London in 2014 and awarded a Jerwood/Arvon Foundation mentorship in 2015. Rachel has run poetry workshops for The Poetry School, The Serpentine Galleries and at University of Oxford.

Articles Available Online

Dinner with Terrance Hayes


January 2019

Rachel Long


January 2019

We’re in Try Thai, a two-storey cocktail-pink restaurant I discovered a few years ago when visiting my sister who was studying in Manchester. Following...



February 2015

Interview with Eddie Peake

Lily Le Brun


February 2015

Like many people, I had seen Eddie Peake’s penis long before I met the artist himself. For several years...


Issue No. 8

The Cloud of Knowing

John Ashbery


Issue No. 8

There are those who would have paid that. The amount your eyes bonded with (O spangled home) will have...


October 2015

The Bird Thing

Julianne Pachico


October 2015

You are worried about the bird thing but that’s the last thing you want to think about right now,...


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