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Paul Cochrane
Paul Cochrane is a freelance journalist based in Beirut, where he has lived since 2002. He covers the Middle East and Central Asia for specialised publications, business magazines and newspapers. Paul’s work has been featured in over seventy publications, including ReutersThe Global TimesMoney Laundering Bulletin, and Petroleum Review. Educated in Britain, Paul earned a Master’s degree in Middle Eastern Studies at the American University of Beirut.

Articles Available Online

Another month, another year, another crisis: eleven years in Beirut


July 2014

Paul Cochrane


July 2014

Rumours of impending conflict can wreak a particular type of havoc. This is not as physically manifest as the brutality of war, but less...



Issue No. 5

Choose Your Own Formalism

David Auerbach


Issue No. 5

1. ALL SQUARES RESIDE IN THE HUMAN BREAST In 2007 game designer and Second Life CEO Rod Humble wrote...


Issue No. 1

Interview with Mai-Thu Perret

Timothée Chaillou


Issue No. 1

Swiss artist Mai-Thu Perret’s ongoing, fourteen year-old project The Crystal Frontier is a multi-disciplinary fiction chronicling the lives of...


January 2015

One Out of Two

Daniel Sada

TR. Katherine Silver


January 2015

Now, how to say it? One out of two, or two in one, or what? The Gamal sisters were...


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