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Natalie Linh Bolderston

Natalie Linh Bolderston is a Vietnamese-Chinese-British writer. In 2019, she was a runner-up in the BBC Proms Poetry Competition and came third in the National Poetry Competition. In 2020, she received an Eric Gregory Award and co-won the Rebecca Swift Women Poets’ Prize. Her pamphlet, The Protection of Ghosts, is published with V. Press.

Articles Available Online

Hungry Ghosts


May 2021

Natalie Linh Bolderston


May 2021

In the middle of a summer when I am still a half-child, Mum tells me that this is the time of year when Bà...



April 2017

Symbols Made Me Hardcore

Joe Bucciero


April 2017

‘A Sound System, like the property of any system, is the interaction of the sum of its parts.’ —...


Issue No. 9

Pulitzer Prize-Winning Author James Murphy's Notes on Nicola Morelli Berengo

Francesco Pacifico

TR. Livia Franchini


Issue No. 9

Biography | Cattolicissimo trio composed of mother father beloved son. God, why doesn’t the English language have an equivalent...


Issue No. 9

Leaving Theories Behind

Enrique Vila-Matas


Issue No. 9

I. I went to Lyon because an organisation called Villa Fondebrider invited me to give a talk on the relationship...


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