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Natalia Litvinova
Natalia Litvinova was born in 1986 in Gomel, Belarus, and lives in Argentina. She is a poet and a translator. She gives courses at the Argentine Foundation Center for Psychoanalysis. She has published Esteparia (2010), Balbuceo de la noche (2012), Grieta (2012) and Todo ajeno (2013), all of which have been republished in Spain and Latin America. Among the poets she has translated from the Russian are Sergei Esenin, Vladislav Jodasevich, Zinaida Gippius, Cherubina de Gabriak and Innokenti Anneski.

Articles Available Online

She-dog & Wrong


September 2015

Natalia Litvinova

TR. Daniela Camozzi


September 2015

She-dog   He wrote to tell me his dog had died. I wanted to be her, I wanted him to cry for me, to...



March 2014

Amy Sillman: The Labour of Painting

Paige K. Bradley

Amy Sillman


March 2014

The heritage of conceptualism and minimalism leaves a tendency to interpret a reduction in form as intellectually rigorous. If...


Issue No. 3

On an NY Balcony

Adrian Dannatt


Issue No. 3

Too much of my life so far has depended upon dressing-gowns, Some sort of ‘string-theory’ tied by myself wax-thumbed...


February 2016

[from] What It Means to Be Avant-Garde

Anna Moschovakis


February 2016

This is an excerpt from the middle of a longer poem. The full poem is in Moschovakis’s forthcoming book,...


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