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Mary Jean Chan
Mary Jean Chan is a poet, editor and academic from Hong Kong. She was shortlisted for the 2017 Forward Prize for Best Single Poem, and came Second in the 2017 National Poetry Competition. Her debut pamphlet, A Hurry of English, was published in 2018 by ignitionpress, and was recently selected as the 2018 Poetry Book Society Summer Pamphlet Choice. Mary Jean is a Ledbury Poetry Critic and an editor of Oxford PoetryHer debut collection will be published by Faber in July 2019.

Articles Available Online

Two Poems


August 2018

Mary Jean Chan


August 2018

The Calligrapher   Try grasping a piece of wood between your thumb, middle & ring finger – as if the drip- dripping of ink...



January 2014

Afterword: The Death of the Translator

George Szirtes


January 2014

1. The translator meets himself emerging from his lover’s bedroom. So much for fidelity, he thinks. 2. Je est...


Issue No. 2

Sri Lankan Contemporary Art

Josephine Breese


Issue No. 2

Sri Lanka has developed a thriving, vital contemporary art scene over the past twenty years. New artists are emerging...


April 2013

Popular Mechanics

Gareth Dickson


April 2013

In simple terms, the process of combustion creates energy that is converted into motion. The ignition by the spark...


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