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Martin Chalmers
Martin Chalmers was born in 1948 and grew up in Glasgow. He was an award-winning translator of Austrian, German and Swiss literature into English and a writer of essays. He translated authors as diverse as Elfriede Jelinek, Ernst Weiss, Alexander Kluge, Thomas Bernhard, Hans Magnus Enzensberger and Peter Handke. Martin Chalmers died in Berlin in 2014. Together with Esther Kinsky he wrote the book Karadag Oktober 2013, a geopoetic exploration of Crimea, published in 2015.

Articles Available Online



July 2013

Love Dog

Masha Tupitsyn


July 2013

11 22 2011 – LOVE DOG     For months Hamlet has been floating around. Its book covers popping...


October 2011

The New Global Literature? Marjane Satrapi and the Depiction of Conflict in Comics

Jessica Copley


October 2011

Over the last ten years graphic novels have undergone a transformation in the collective literary consciousness. Readers, editors and...


Issue No. 13

Writers from the Old Days

Enrique Vila-Matas

TR. J. S. Tennant


Issue No. 13

Augusto Monterroso wrote that sooner or later the Latin American writer faces three possible fates: exile, imprisonment or burial....


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