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Marius Grose
Marius Grose studied fine art at Bristol Polytechnic graduating in 1981 with a BA Hons degree in sculpture. He then made a career shift into broadcast television, becoming a freelance editor. Marius has worked on factual and entertainment shows, documentaries and feature films. Always interested in writing and story telling, Marius has written screenplays for film and television. Since 2016 he has been writing poetry and reading his work at open mic nights and latterly online. He has had poems published in the literary arts journal Dream Catcher, 192 Ezine, Allegro Poetry, The Ekphrastic Review, Dreich and The Storms.  

Articles Available Online

Marylebone Station 1974

Prize Entry

June 2023

Marius Grose

Prize Entry

June 2023

The first man who cruised me was a policeman in the half-light of a piss stink toilet   capless in half-light he grinned there...



December 2013

When We Were Here: The 1990s in Film

Masha Tupitsyn


December 2013

‘I remember touch. Pictures came with touch.’ -Daft Punk, ‘Touch’   In the 1990s, three important pre post-reality films...


February 2011

Mainly about Roth

Aidan Cottrell Boyce


February 2011

From the start he was thrown in at the deep-end when the head keeper just handed him a pail...


January 2014

Son of Man

Yi Mun-yol

TR. Brother Anthony of Taizé


January 2014

Rain falling onto thick layers of accumulated dust had left the windows of the criminal investigations office so mottled...


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