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Maria Hummer
Maria Hummer is currently based in London. Her short stories have appeared in WasafiriBest of Ohio Short Stories and Passages North, among others. She is the writer of prize-winning short films ‘He Took His Skin Off For Me’ and ‘Dinner and a Movie.’ Her most recent film, based on her short story ‘The Director,’ is currently in post-production with director Kim Albright. She is a 2014 alumnus of the Writers' Centre Norwich Escalator scheme and is presently writing her first novel, a speculative fiction love story.

Articles Available Online



Issue No. 22

Maria Hummer


Issue No. 22

We were told to pay attention to things that were different, and it seemed to me that sex was no longer the same. Now,...


Prize Entry

April 2015

Every Woman to the Rope

Joanna Quinn

Prize Entry

April 2015

My father believed the sea to be covetous: a pleading dog that would lap at you adoringly, sidling up...


Issue No. 11

Forgotten Sea

Alexander Christie-Miller


Issue No. 11

I. As I stood on the flanks of the Kaçkar Mountains where they slope into the Black Sea near...


February 2011

Mainly about Roth

Aidan Cottrell Boyce


February 2011

From the start he was thrown in at the deep-end when the head keeper just handed him a pail...


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