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Luke Melia
Luke Melia lives in London and writes fiction in his spare time. His work has been highly commended in a number of competitions including the Tom Howard/John H. Reid Short Story Contest and the Bristol Prize. His story, 'The Application', features in the Highland and Islands Short Story Associations’ (HISSAC) Winners Anthology, published in December 2014. Earlier this year, his story 'The Novel Factory' was included in Unthology 6, an anthology of short stories by new and established writers published by Unthank Books. The same story had previously won second prize in the Writers' Village International Short Fiction Award Summer 2014.

Articles Available Online

The Incidental

Prize Entry

April 2015

Luke Melia

Prize Entry

April 2015

The automatic rifle fire was followed by an unnerving whistle at Ti’s ear. He gripped the shopping bags, grabbed Lo Ling’s arm and pulled...



July 2011

Interview with Steven Shearer

Vanessa Nicholas


July 2011

Canada’s representative at the 54th Venice Beinnale is Steven Shearer, a soft-spoken and mild-mannered Vancouver-based artist whose work delves...


July 2012

Interview with David Harvey

Matt Mahon


July 2012

David Harvey is rare among Left academics: his work is as much appreciated by anarchists and the Occupy movement...


July 2014

Another month, another year, another crisis: eleven years in Beirut

Paul Cochrane


July 2014

Rumours of impending conflict can wreak a particular type of havoc. This is not as physically manifest as the...


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