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Line Kallmayer
Line Kallmayer is a Danish visual artist, writer and translator whose essayistic work combines text with lens-based media and performance. She has a fine arts degree from Goldsmiths (London), a degree in English and Psychology (Copenhagen) and has studied at the Polish National Film School. Kallmayer’s art practice uses autobiographical structures as points of departure for investigations into a wide range of ethical and aesthetic questions. She has previously published the art publications Ten Days with an Exorcist (2013, Green Is Gold) and Bird (2017, Catalyst Press) as well as shorter pieces, most recently Mother’s Tears and At a Party in AGNI (US). 

Articles Available Online

Mother and Sven


October 2020

Line Kallmayer


October 2020

  1   Her mother calls. Sven is in hospital and he is not coming back. He will most likely be transferred to a...



Issue No. 1

'Untitled (book covers)'

Viktor Timofeev


Issue No. 1

A slideshow presenting a series of collages by the London-based Latvian artist Viktor Timofeev, one gouache by whom was...


January 2015

Judge Sa’b

Uday Prakash

TR. Jason Grunebaum


January 2015

Nine years ago, after thirteen years of living in the Rohini neighbourhood of north Delhi, I moved, and came...


Issue No. 11

Poems from [---] Placeholder

Rob Halpern


Issue No. 11

Obscene Intimacy My soldier was found unresponsive restrained In his cell death being due to blunt force injuries To...


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