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Leanne Betasamosake Simpson
LEANNE BETASAMOSAKE SIMPSON is a Michi Saagiig Nishnaabeg scholar, writer, musician and member of Alderville First Nation. She is the author of seven previous books, including the newly released, A Short History of the Blockade, and the novel Noopiming.  Leanne has released four albums including f(l)ight and Noopiming Sessions, and her new work, the Polaris short-listed, Theory of Ice. Her latest book, co-authored with Robyn Maynard and entitled Rehearsals for Living is forthcoming from Haymarket Books in June 2022.

Articles Available Online



July 2012

Interview with Ben Rivers

Alice Hattrick


July 2012

Ben Rivers is an artist who makes films. Two Years at Sea, his first feature-length film, was released to...


November 2014

The Ovenbird

César Aira

TR. Chris Andrews


November 2014

The hypothesis underlying this study is that human beings act in strict accordance with an instinctive programme, which governs...

Prize Entry

April 2017


David Isaacs

Prize Entry

April 2017

Once upon a time, Dad would begin, I think, focusing on the road, there was a man called Watt....


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