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Kristen Gleason
Kristen Gleason was born in California. Her fiction has appeared in A Public SpaceFenceFairy Tale ReviewPrairie SchoonerThe Gettysburg Review, and elsewhere. In 2011, she was the recipient of a High North Fellowship from the University of Tromsø, Norway. Currently she lives in Athens, Georgia. Her short story 'The Refugee' won the 2017 White Review Short Story Prize (US & Canada).

Articles Available Online

The Refugee

Prize Entry

Issue No. 20

Kristen Gleason

Prize Entry

Issue No. 20

Brian Ed waited outside the ration house. Merlijn took his time coming to the door, and opened it slowly. Brian Ed raised his hand...



February 2013

Interview with Wayne Koestenbaum

Charlie Fox


February 2013

Perhaps what’s gathered here is not an interview at all. Precisely what it is, we’ll think about in a...


November 2015

Interview with Dor Guez

Helen Mackreath


November 2015

Dor Guez, artist, scholar, photographer, archivist, wants to avoid being classified, but it’s difficult not to fall into the...


Issue No. 17


The Editors


Issue No. 17

An Englishman, a Frenchman and an Irishman set up a magazine in London in 2010. This sounds like the...


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