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Katie Da Cunha Lewin
Katie da Cunha Lewin’s writing and reviews have been published at the Times Literary Supplement, Ache, Los Angeles Review of Books and Prospect, among other places.

Articles Available Online

Let’s try again. Start over. On Nathalie Léger

Book Review

September 2020

Katie Da Cunha Lewin

Book Review

September 2020

I went to see Barbara Loden’s Wanda at a screening at the ICA, not for Nathalie Léger, but for Don DeLillo. I was finishing...
The Inheritance of Ambiguity

Book Review

February 2019

Katie Da Cunha Lewin

Book Review

February 2019

I have told the story of my grandparents’ arrival in England countless times. Their bags, their passports, even the car that picked them up....



Issue No. 11

Interview with Philippe Parreno

Ben Eastham


Issue No. 11

It is the standard procedure, when visiting someone in central Paris, to ask in advance for the door code...


January 2015


Minae Mizumura

TR. Juliet Winters Carpenter


January 2015

This is an excerpt from the novel published in Japanese as Shishosetsu from left to right (私小説 from left...


Issue No. 15

Translation in the First Person

Kate Briggs


Issue No. 15

IT IS 1 JUNE 2015 and I am standing outside no. 11 rue Servandoni in Paris’s sixth arrondissement. I...


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