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Katherine E. Young
Katherine E. Young is the author of the poetry collections Woman Drinking Absinthe and Day of the Border Guards and the editor of Written in Arlington. She is the translator of Look at Him by Anna Starobinets and Farewell, Aylis by Akram Aylisli. Young’s translations of contemporary Russophone poetry have won international awards; she was also named a 2017 National Endowment for the Arts translation fellow (US). From 2016-2018, she served as the inaugural poet laureate for Arlington, Virginia, US.

Articles Available Online



Issue No. 14


Rebecca Tamás


Issue No. 14

INTERROGATION (1)     Are you a witch?   Are you   Have you had relations with the devil?...


June 2011

Malcolm Starke Died Today

Kit Buchan


June 2011

Malcolm Starke died today who rang us most nights so late that it could only be him. He’d been...

Prize Entry

April 2016

Oh Whistle and

Uschi Gatward

Prize Entry

April 2016

God has very particular political opinions – John le Carré     M is whizzing round the Cheltenham Waitrose,...


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