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Jeon Sungtae
Jeon Sungtae was born in 1969 in Goheung, South Jeolla Province, and studied creative writing at Chung-Ang University. His published works include the short story collections Second Self-Portrait, Wolves, Over The Border, and Burying Incense; the novel The Female Barber; and the book of essays Sungtae, Mangtae, Buribungtae. His work has appeared in translation in New Writing from Korea, vol. 2, Azalea: Journal of Korean Literature & Culture, and Banipal. Wolves will be published in English by White Pine Press in 2016.

Articles Available Online



November 2015

Jeon Sungtae

TR. Sora Kim-Russell


November 2015

The Chief   The sound of the bell for the closing of the temple gate reaches my ears. I am on my way to...



Issue No. 2

Sri Lankan Contemporary Art

Josephine Breese


Issue No. 2

Sri Lanka has developed a thriving, vital contemporary art scene over the past twenty years. New artists are emerging...


Issue No. 3

Glow Me Out

Rikudah Potash

TR. Michael Casper


Issue No. 3

In the fiery cosmos Out of which you made             Timna Glow me in...


November 2014

Every Night is Like a Disco: Iraq 2003

Paul Currion


November 2014

That day at Kassim’s, there was no music. There was almost no sound at all, not even the echoes...


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