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Jeon Sungtae
Jeon Sungtae was born in 1969 in Goheung, South Jeolla Province, and studied creative writing at Chung-Ang University. His published works include the short story collections Second Self-Portrait, Wolves, Over The Border, and Burying Incense; the novel The Female Barber; and the book of essays Sungtae, Mangtae, Buribungtae. His work has appeared in translation in New Writing from Korea, vol. 2, Azalea: Journal of Korean Literature & Culture, and Banipal. Wolves will be published in English by White Pine Press in 2016.

Articles Available Online



November 2015

Jeon Sungtae

TR. Sora Kim-Russell


November 2015

The Chief   The sound of the bell for the closing of the temple gate reaches my ears. I am on my way to...



March 2016

Behind the Yellow Curtain

Annina Lehmann


March 2016

Notes from a workshop   At first, there is nothing but a yellow curtain at the back of the...


January 2014

Tuesday Will Be War

Jáchym Topol

TR. Alex Zucker


January 2014

Jáchym Topol (b. 1962), like most Czech authors of his generation, wrote poetry for years before turning to prose....


July 2014


Alice Hattrick

Kristina Buch


July 2014

There are many ways to make sense of the world, through language, speech and text, but also the senses...


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