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Jem Cohen

Jem Cohen has made over sixty films including the feature length projects Museum Hours (2012), Instrument (1998), Chain (2004) and Benjamin Smoke (2000) (with Peter Sillen). His short films include Little Flags (2000), Night Scene New York (2009) and Long for the City (2008). He also makes still photographs, installations, and shows with projected images and live soundtracks, the latest of which is Gravity Hill Sound + Image, with Guy Picciotto, Jim White and George Xylouris.

Articles Available Online



Issue No. 1

From the Town

Desmond Hogan


Issue No. 1

In the grape hyacinth blue jersey – yellow strip at V-neck, blue tie, navy trousers of Kinsale Community School,...


March 2017

Interview with Lidija Dimkovska

Sara Nović


March 2017

I met Lidija Dimkovska at the Twin Cities Book Festival in October, fleetingly, and completely by accident. I had...


January 2015

Why I'm Not a Great Lover

Clemens J. Setz

TR. Ross Benjamin


January 2015

Why I’m Not A Great Lover   The circumstances. The zeitgeist.   The inner uncertainty. The lack of belief...


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