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Jay Bernard
Jay Bernard is a writer from London. They are the author of Surge (Chatto and Windus, 2019) and winner of the 2017 Ted Hughes award.

Articles Available Online

Against Mastery: A Dialogue on Ta-Nehisi Coates’s ‘The Water Dancer’

Book Review

July 2020

Sita Balani

Jay Bernard

Book Review

July 2020

Jay Bernard: Whenever I am asked to write about something – usually because I share some social category with the author, rather than an...



Issue No. 2

Interview with William Boyd

Jacques Testard

Tristan Summerscale


Issue No. 2

On a wet, grey morning in March, William Boyd invited us into a large terraced house, half-way between the...


May 2015

Interview with Maggie Nelson

Jess Cotton


May 2015

Nothing, it seems, falls outside Maggie Nelson’s field of inquiry. The author of four books of poetry and five...


January 2015

One Out of Two

Daniel Sada

TR. Katherine Silver


January 2015

Now, how to say it? One out of two, or two in one, or what? The Gamal sisters were...


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